Most of the cases that HIM professionals code are straightforward; some are more difficult, and a few just drive them crazy. Consider the benefits of a departmental “coding conference,” which brings the HIM staff, CDI specialists, and other interested persons together on a regular basis to...Read More »
While CDI and coding staff members are well versed in assigning a principal diagnosis, they are often less adept at incorporating the concept of medical necessity into their practices, says Glenn Krauss, BBA, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CPUR, C-CDI, CCDS. Coders tend to simply code what'...Read More »
Uninsured patients spend less time in the hospital than insured patients, while Medicare patients stay hospitalized longer than any, according to a study published in the December issue of Annals of Family Medicine. The...Read More »
Hospitals reported syncope and collapse (MS-DRG 312) as the top MS-DRG with respect to financial impact due to denials for lack of medical necessity and incorrect coding, according to previously released RACTrac data from the...Read More »
Late effects are considered to be the residual effects after the acute phase of an illness, disease, or injury. There is no time limit as to when a late effect can manifest itself. It can occur directly after the disease or even years...Read More »
In the past few months, Recovery Audit Contractors (RAC) have paid closer attention to physician queries that introduce a diagnosis not previously documented in the medical record, suggested Garri L. Garrison, RN, CPC, CMC, CPUR, Director of Acute Care Services for 3M...Read More »