Q: A consultant has advised us to code only diagnoses listed on the discharge summary. If the diagnosis is not on the discharge summary, the consultant instructed us to query the physician. How do other facilities handle these scenarios?
Over and over again in CDI Talk, at the ACDIS conference, local chapters, anywhere two CDI professionals have an opportunity to interact, it seems, some very common topics arise. One of the most common it seems is how to gain cooperation and collaboration of...Read More »
What can you can do to improve your program? How can you put some of your CDI strengths into better practice and re-examine your weaknesses to determine what you can do to tweak it and make it a more successful program? There are numerous...Read More »
In March, I started a conversation on CDI Talk entitled “Failed Programs,” hoping at the time that there might be someone willing to divulge a first-hand account of how and why their program “failed”...Read More »
The Medicare Learning Network released three fact sheets of interest to CDI staff:
The “Hospital Acquired Conditions (HAC) in Acute Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Hospitals” fact sheet (revised October 2010) is now available in downloadable format at
The RAC program was fully under way in 2010, and providers continue to struggle with it as the year draws to a close. This year’s RAC Preparedness Benchmarking survey had 459 respondents representing hospitals of all sizes from all four RAC regions. Region C was the most responsive region, with...Read More »
The Hospital Compare website, updated on Dec. 11, contains three new inpatient measures. These include Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP) Infection 9 (urinary catheter removed on postoperative day one or two) and two new structural measures: participation in a systematic clinical data...Read More »