ACDIS update: Last call for March/April CDI Journal contributions!
Calling all CDI professionals interested in writing for our March/April 2025 edition of the CDI Journal!
This year, our March/April edition will feature articles on the theme of “measuring success.” The deadline for submissions is February 1, 2025.
Our Journal articles tend to be within the range of 750-1,500 words and articles selected for publication in the CDI Journal will be awarded ACDIS CEUs on a 0.5 CEUs per 350 published words basis.
We welcome any topic within the theme of measuring success, and we would love to have you submit!
To submit an article for the CDI Journal, submit your article idea or draft using this form by February 1, 2025: If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to ACDIS Editor Jess Fluegel at
We hope to hear from you soon!