ACDIS update: New outpatient CDI samples added to the Resource Library

CDI Strategies - Volume 12, Issue 48

According to the 2018 CDI Week Industry Overview Survey, more than 50% of CDI professionals review outpatient records. Yet, it can be difficult to find resources and practical help on these endeavors since it’s a new area of expansion for many programs.

Recently, the ACDIS Forms & Tools Library Committee received a number of submissions directly related to outpatient CDI from the ACDIS membership. The committee has since reviewed and approved these submissions for publication in the ACDIS Resource Library. Additionally, the committee has included some suggestions for those adapting these resources for use at their own facility.

If you haven’t visited the Library recently, here’s a list of the new outpatient CDI resources you’ll find there:

While these samples are not a one-size-fits-all solution for all CDI programs everywhere, samples such as these in the Library can serve as a great jumping off point for developing your own forms, tools, policies, and procedures.

Please take a moment to check out what’s available in the Library. It’s a great tool for ACDIS members.

If you have a tool or resource you’d like to share, please send it to ACDIS Editor Linnea Archibald ( The ACDIS membership and leadership team appreciates it!