ACDIS update: What are your 2024 CDI Week plans?

CDI Strategies - Volume 18, Issue 36

This year, ACDIS is looking to take our CDI Week theme, CDI in Orbit: Infinite Opportunities, from the far reaches of infinity to beyond! However, no human can embark on such an endeavor alone—any space expedition, odyssey, or quest is a team-based activity; and we want to know how your team is preparing to explore the farthest reaches of the CDI universe!

What educational or team-bonding activities have you found successful in the past that you’d like to share with the community? What party ideas have you been dreaming up since learning about this year’s space theme? We’d love to hear them all! Ideas submitted from both the community and the Furthering Education Committee will be compiled into a list that will be made available on the ACDIS website under the “Activities” tab in the CDI Week section (found under the “Free Resources” menu tab).

Please email us at with your ideas and help us launch this year’s CDI Week celebrations into orbit! We look forward to hearing from you.

CDI Week launches September 16-20, 2024, so you have 11 more days until lift off!

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ACDIS Guidance, Education