Three types of mistakes—insufficient documentation, miscoded claims, and medically unnecessary services and supplies—accounted for nearly 98% of errors common across six different provider types, according to the July 14 report ...Read More »
Recent CDI-related headlines include concerns about the burden of paperwork on patient care and the cost of healthcare. And article authors cite a few recent surveys to back up such assertions.
In 2008, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) reviewed a sample of nearly 300 Medicare hospitalizations from two counties in a one-week period in order to analyze current methods of identifying adverse events in hospitals. According to a report released this month, vulnerabilities exist in...Read More »
In January, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission released its fiscal year 2009 annual report. In it, the agency touts a state-wide recovery of more than $300 million—a nearly $70 million recovery jump...Read More »