I know this will come as a shock to my many (two) readers, but I’m not quite as perfect as I make myself out to be. I, too, have character flaws. One is that I ask questions. A lot of questions. I do so in order to find out information (“How was...Read More »
You would think that actually defining something would make it easier to recognize. That statement assumes, of course, that you can actually define what you’re trying to see. (I’m reminded of Justice Potter Stewart’s quote on obscenity, “I shall...Read More »
One rarely thinks of CDI as having a moral dimension. But when we do think about it, we consider ourselves doing the “right thing” for patients to have their complexity of illness fully documented within the medical record. If we divorce...Read More »
One of the reasons I’m not a famous writer (well, one of many) is that I’m kind of lazy. I know real writers write every day, for a set amount of time or to complete a specific number of pages or words, so that writing becomes a habit. Instead,...Read More »
Just because outpatient programs are gaining traction, creating an outpatient CDI program from the ground up has its own challenges. The path to starting such a department is often nonlinear, and CDI specialists launching an outpatient program will likely need to go back to the CDI basics to...Read More »
A common struggle CDI departments find themselves facing is achieving an open line of communication with providers. “There was a generalized idea that the case management and CDI teams needed a physician champion, someone who could make sure the messages got across to the providers. That was...Read More »
According to the World Health Organization , pneumonia is a form of an acute respiratory infection that inflames the lungs. When CDI professionals review the record and...Read More »