Conference corner: Be inspired and imagine the CDI possibilities with our lineup of keynote speakers!

CDI Strategies - Volume 16, Issue 10

“You’re not on mute! You were built to make waves, live out loud, and take action in your life. Yet, most of us remain in our comfort zones because we are afraid to take chances which leads to loads of regret,” says ACDIS’ conference keynote speaker Judi Holler in her presentation “Everyday Improviser: Say Yes & Turn Obstacles Into Opportunities.”

ACDIS takes pride in having amazing keynote speakers to kick off our annual conference, this year taking place in Orlando, May 2-5. This year, three amazing keynote speakers will take the stage beginning with Holler on day one.

Fear isn’t something to be afraid of, neither is failure, Holler explains. Both are incredible data streams that illuminate the path towards innovation, confidence, and true collaboration. This interactive keynote will help participants use the experimental ideas from the improv theatre and apply them to the unscripted stage of everyday life. The improv mindset can build confidence, turn obstacles into opportunities, and help CDI professionals remain flexible inside of disruption. Participants will learn how to identify the ways that fear shows up in their lives and embrace failure in order to stay in forward momentum.

Click here to read about our keynote speakers and for more information on the 2022 ACDIS Conference.

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ACDIS Guidance, Education