Conference corner: COVID-19 safety guidelines for the National Conference

CDI Strategies - Volume 15, Issue 14

ACDIS places the highest priority on the safety of our attendees at the national conference, scheduled for October 25-28, 2021, at the Sheraton Dallas (Texas). We will follow safety guidelines and advisements for meetings as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as state and local mandates. In preparation for attendance at our events, we want to share the following measures to promote health and wellbeing.

  • At this time, all hotel guests are required to wear a mask while in public areas of the hotel and anywhere that social distancing measures cannot be met.
  • Meeting rooms will be set to comply with CDC, WHO, and applicable locally recommended social distancing guidelines.
  • Food service will follow the safety guidelines implemented by the hotel.

To view all the safety measures that Sheraton Dallas has implemented, please see the information listed on their website. ACDIS will continue to monitor the COVID-19 environment, the recommended guidelines, and communicate adjustments to the onsite policies and procedures as we approach the live event date.

We hope to see you all in October!

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