by Carolyn Riel
When people think about what makes for a great workplace, they might think of an environment that pushes for work-life balance, has management that advocates for and supports the department, and features a team that communicates and works together well. However,...Read More »
by Carolyn Riel
Culturally, those in the LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, plus) community are finally beginning to be accepted for who they are. While the healthcare landscape is starting to change alongside the cultural understandings,...Read More »
Diversity can be defined through different lenses. Whatever makes you different or unique from your teammate or colleague makes you diverse. Diversity is imperative for teams, departments, and organizational success. Companies...Read More »
EHRs hold all the important information about patients’ medical histories and demographics. Historically, however, they have tended to only include one indication of gender: the gender a patient was assigned at birth. While many patients identify as their birth-...Read More »
People often think the Diversity in CDI Award is only looking for CDI departments exemplifying racial diversity. But the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force says diversity within CDI means a whole slew of things, not only including race but also gender identity, educational background, and more...Read More »