Local Chapter Update: Leadership transitions require ACDIS involvement
Fall in America not only raises images of bright orange and red foliage, costumed children and pumpkins but also elections. While this season’s hotly contested presidential race may not be living up to everyone’s expectations, ACDIS certainly believes that its chapters’ electoral processes do. In some states, local chapter leaders call for volunteers to throw their hats into the ring to take over chapter activities for the following year (or in some cases multiple year terms) and allow the chapter membership to vote.
Taking up the mantel of chapter leader certainly takes commitment, dedication, courage, and a spirit of selflessness but it needn’t be a daunting task. ACDIS encourages current leaders to create a transition process to onboard new leaders and the national administration takes an active role in that process, not only during those early days and weeks as new leaders take on their new responsibilities but throughout the year.
Those of you thinking about getting involved, I encourage you to do so. Such efforts not only serve the local membership but help to broaden your own professional horizons.
As a reminder to chapter leaders, new official local chapter agreement forms must be submitted annually regardless of whether new leadership has been elected. Please contact ACDIS Associate Editorial Director Melissa Varnavas at mvarnavas@acdis.org if you have any questions.
- The North Carolina ACDIS Chapter meets Friday, November 4, at UNC Lenoir Healthcare in Kinston. For information, email ncacdis@gmail.com.
- The Connecticut ACDIS Chapter meets Thursday, November 10, 1:30-3 p.m., at The Hospital of Central Connecticut in New Britain. For information, contact Nancy Napolitanonapolitanonancy@hotmail.com.
- The Georgia ACDIS Chapter meets at Emory Healthcare in Atlanta, November 11, 8:30 a.m. For information, contact Julie Bell at julieltbell@gmail.com.
- The Utah chapter of ACDIS holds its second meeting November 16, 3-5 p.m., at the University of Utah Hospital in the Red Rock Conference Center. The speaker is Holly Ledyard, MD MS, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Neurology at the University of Utah who will discuss “Coding Quandaries and Clarifications: The Neuro Edition.” For information, contact Molly Evans at uacdis@gmail.com.
- The Westchester County New York networking group meets Tuesday, November 15, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., at Northern Westchester Hospital in Mount Kisco. Bring a snack or pot-luck item for the group. For information, email Kerry Seekircher, westchesteracdis@yahoo.com.
- The KY/S. Indiana ACDIS Chapter meets on November 17. For information contact, Leah Savage, at Leah.Savage@nortonhealthcare.org.
- The CNY Central New York CDI networking group meets Friday, November 18, 2-4 p.m., at Marley Education Center, Pomeroy School of Nursing, in Syracuse, New York. Reservations required by November 14. For information, contact Dawn Burr at dawnburr@crouse.org.