Meet a member: “Don’t give up!”

CDI Strategies - Volume 18, Issue 22

Dee Banet, MSN, RN, CCDS, CDIP, CCS, is the CDI division director at AdventHealth in East Florida.

ACDIS: How long have been in the CDI field and what did you do before entering it?
 I have been in CDI for 24 years, and before that I worked in critical care nursing in the ICU and CCU.

ACDIS: Why did you get into this line of work?
 CDMP was a new program being started at the hospital and they wanted critical care nurses. It sounded interesting so I gave it a shot.

ACDIS: What has been your biggest challenge?
Banet: The pandemic was the hardest thing I have been through as a leader. Supporting the team through unchartered territory was an experience I will never forget.

ACDIS: What has been your biggest reward?
Banet: My biggest reward has been coaching and mentoring new CDI specialists and new CDI leaders.

ACDIS: How has the field changed since you began working in CDI?
I would say the biggest change has been the electronic health record. Yes, I reviewed paper charts! The other big change would be remote work. I still feel hybrid is the gold standard but have come to realize the value remote CDI brings to the field.

ACDIS: Can you mention a few of the “gold nuggets” of information you’ve received from colleagues on The Forum or through ACDIS?
Banet: When I first got into CDI/CDMP, networking was frowned upon. The concern was that we may share some secrets that benefit another organization. Fast forward and networking is so important to our industry. I love hearing how others are experiencing the same barriers and challenges our teams face, then hearing ideas others are coming up with to address them.

ACDIS: Have you attended any ACDIS conferences? If so, what are your favorite memories?
Banet: I will never forget the Las Vegas Conference and sitting for my CCDS on paper! It was a little hard to enjoy the conference with all that pressure. The conferences has given me an opportunity to visit many cities I had never been to, including Las Vegas, San Diego, and San Antonio.

ACDIS: What piece of advice would you offer to a new CDI specialist?
Banet: Don’t give up! In the beginning there is so much to learn. Don’t give up. As you become that seasoned, advanced practice CDI specialist, don’t give up. Don’t give up on that coding challenge you feel confident about. Don’t give up when you have a provider that seems like they will never “get it”. Stay positive and be persistent. 

ACDIS: If you could have any other job, what would it be?
Banet: I wouldn’t want any other job in healthcare, I love CDI. Now, maybe if I won the lottery, I would rock newborn babies in the nursery for the fun of it?

ACDIS: What was your first job?
My first job was as a fast food cashier at Burger Chef.

ACDIS: Can you tell us about a few of your favorite things?

  • Vacation spots: The beach…ANY beach
  • Hobby: Being a mawmaw to my first grandbaby, boating, and my basset hounds
  • Non-alcoholic beverage: Diet Dr Pepper
  • Foods: Starch = Yes! Veggies = No !
  • Activity: Walking outdoors when it’s warm; if it’s cold, I want to be next to the fireplace.

ACDIS: Tell us about your family and how you like to spend your time away from CDI.
I love spending time with family, especially the grandbaby. I worked long hours when I was raising my kids and I always felt guilty about it. I feel like time as a grandparent gives you a chance to make up for some of that.

ACDIS: Is there anything else you’d like to add?
I am thankful to have found a niche that I love in CDI. I can’t imagine another role that is so challenging and rewarding at the same time.


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