Meet a member: Listen and learn from other CDI professionals

CDI Strategies - Volume 16, Issue 28

Susan Fantin, MSA, BSN, RN, CCDS, CDIP, is the VP of integrated care management overseeing CDI, utilization management, denials management and case management/social work at McLaren Health Care in Grand Blanc, Michigan, and a current member of the ACDIS Advisory Board. She is also a member of the Michigan ACDIS Chapter and was the chapter lead for five years, recently ending December 2021. She has worked in the CDI field for 16 years.

ACDIS: What did you do before entering CDI and how did you get into this line of work?

Fantin: I was a case manager. My director approached me regarding a new initiative starting in our organization—CDI work. She felt I would be a good fit for it.

ACDIS: What has been your biggest challenge? What about your greatest reward?

Fantin: My biggest challenge has been physician engagement. My biggest reward has been building a great team, mentoring, and then internally promoting and/or watching them grow outside of my organization.

ACDIS: How has the field changed since you began working in CDI?

Fantin: What hasn’t changed! From revenue to quality focus, cross over into denials/utilization management, outpatient CDI, physician advisor roles, onsite versus remote, case mix index to severity of illness/risk of mortality. The changes and advancements in the field are never ending! It’s a good thing!

ACDIS: Can you mention a few of the “gold nuggets” of information you’ve received from colleagues on The Forum or through ACDIS?

Fantin: Listening and learning from other CDI professionals and how they worked on similar issues and had success has been important. Also, I’ve used ACDIS’ white papers, example policies, and query templates.

ACDIS: If you have attended, how many ACDIS conferences have you been to? What are your favorite memories?

Fantin: The better question is how many I have not attended! I believe I have only missed five conferences so far. As for favorite memories, I have so many:

  • New places I have never been
  • Networking with other colleagues
  • Being an ACDIS speaker
  • Learning how other organization handle similar issues we may be having
  • Being an ACDIS Advisory Board member
  • Meeting and networking with vendors
  • Boat rides in San Diego and Chicago with the CDI Search Group
  • Winning at the slots in Vegas
  • Disney/Universal visit
  • The Alamo in San Antonio

ACDIS: What piece of advice would you offer to a new CDI specialist?

Fantin: CDI work takes time to learn, so don’t get frustrated if you miss the DRG or a Coding Clinic. Learn, listen to other CDI specialists, seek advice on difficult cases, and get to know your coders—they can be your best friends!

This new role can be an amazing opportunity to grow and learn in so many ways. From CDI staff to consulting to VP—the sky is the limit. It is such a rewarding opportunity.

ACDIS: If you could have any other job, what would it be? 

Fantin: I would be a full-time mom.

ACDIS: What was your first job?

Fantin: I was a co-op student working at Beaumont Hospital as a nurse’s aide.

ACDIS: Can you tell us about a few of your favorite things?

  • Vacation spots: Florida with my family
  • Hobby: Enjoying my three boys, three dogs, husband, and extended family
  • Non-alcoholic beverage: Diet coke
  • Foods: Italian
  • Activity: Swimming

ACDIS: Tell us about your family and how you like to spend your time away from CDI.

Fantin: There is my husband Paul, we’ve been married for 27 years, and we have three boys: Ryan (24), Joe (22) and Scott (18). We are a MSU Spartan Family and live in Rochester Michigan, a suburb outside of Detroit. We also have three dogs: Allie (4), a golden retriever; Harley (8), a lhasa apso; and Bella (7 months), a mini goldendoodle.


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