News: AMA offers providers free tools for MACRA

CDI Strategies - Volume 10, Issue 43

The new system outlined in the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) represents the most significant change to Medicare in a generation, says Andrew Gurman, MD, president of the American Medical Association, in an October 5 conference call with news media.

Under MACRA, providers must choose from one of two paths beginning in 2017. They can either participate in an alternative payment model (APM), such as an accountable care organization, or they can join in the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), which requires doctors to submit quality-reporting data to Medicare.

To help providers navigate the impending changes, the AMA is offering three free tools to both its member and non-member organizations. (Users may have to register to access the free tools.)

  • Interactive "Payment Model Evaluator," which allows providers to input information about their practice and assess which APM represents the best fit for them, or if they should consider MIPS instead.
  • MACRA-specific modules for the AMA's "Steps Forward" practice improvement program, which focus on specific challenges providers may face through the transition. The modules offer providers continuing medical education credit.
  • seven-episode podcast series, "Inside Medicare's New Payment System" featuring interviews with AMA and CMS staff. 

Click here for more information. 

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News, Quality & Regulatory, Education

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