News: CMS revises 14 NCDs in coding maintenance update

CDI Strategies - Volume 10, Issue 20
CMS recently released its seventh maintenance update for National Coverage Determinations (NCD) to incorporate ICD-10 and other coding changes, which may require providers to contact their Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC) regarding previously submitted claims.
MLN Matters® 9540 includes a link to a spreadsheet outlining the changes made in the latest update. For example, in NCD 110.4, CMS added ICD-10-CM code C84.19 (Sézary disease, extranodal and solid organ sites) as a covered diagnosis effective October 1, 2015.
Providers should look at the changes made and contact their MACs if any previously submitted claims have been impacted erroneously by the changes.
The updates do not include any policy-related updates, which continue to be implemented via the normal NCD process.


Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on Medicare Compliance Watch.