News: Survey reveals only minor productivity declines post ICD-10 implementation

CDI Strategies - Volume 10, Issue 5

Productivity decreases post-ICD-10 implementation has been a major concern for CDI specialists, coders, and providers alike. However, a recent survey from consulting service, Navicure, found that relatively few respondents have seen a significant decrease in productivity.

Despite nearly half of the participants (48%) noting a productivity decline as the top issue, only 13% of administrative staff and 15% of clinical staff saw a significant decrease. Another 46% of administrative staff and 42% of clinical staff didn’t see much of an impact, and the remaining respondents saw a minor impact or didn’t know of one.

The majority of participants in the survey were practice administrators or billing managers (59%), followed by practice executives (17%), and billers and coders (16%). The survey included 360 participants representing a broad range of specialties and sizes, with 60% from organizations with one to 10 providers.

Beyond productivity, 20% of respondents said revenue disruption was their top concern. However, 60% of organizations did not see any impact on monthly revenue following the transition. In terms of denial rates, 89% of respondents saw either no change or an increase of less than 10%.

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in APCs Insider.

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News, Clinical & Coding

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