Physician evaluation and management (E/M) payments cost Medicare $32.3 billion in 2010—about 30% of all Part B payments that year—and of that amount, about $6.7 billion were incorrectly coded or documented, according to an Office of...Read More »
Those interested in serving on the 2015 ACDIS Conference Committee must be active ACDIS members and have attended at least two previous ACDIS conferences. To volunteer, please download...Read More »
Q: I am looking for help on reviewing a neonatal intensive-care unit (NICU) death chart for severity ofillness/risk of mortality (SOI/ROM). Prior to birth the child was diagnosed with a severe brain abnormality, holoprosencephaly. The family decided upon comfort care once the baby was...Read More »
Now that ICD-10 has been delayed, its a great time to go back and perfect the basics. The Tuesday, June 10th webcast, at 1 p.m., EST, reviews more than 15 examples of potentially problematic queries, tackles the use of a "yes/no", and multiple-choice queries and explores key ICD-10 query...Read More »
The 7th annual ACDIS conference has come and gone and I wanted to thank the behind-the-scenes staff for all their tremendous efforts in Las Vegas. As some of our attendees know, these conferences are a ton of hard work— (very) early mornings, long days on sore feet, and some long evenings as...Read More »
The announcement that ICD-10 would be delayed once again made waves throughout the healthcare industry. In the wake of the passing of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014, which spurred the delay, CMS released a statement announcing that it canceled ICD-10 end-to-end testing.Read More »