The majority of education CDI professionals offer to physicians and other clinical staff is provided informally. On-the-spot education while interacting with the medical staff on the unit, often saves the physician time and...Read More »
In the beginning, when placing queries for the type of heart failure or urosepsis, you may think that physicians will eventually learn the more specific documentation required and that your queries will no longer be necessary. I...Read More »
Malnutrition is at its most basic level any nutritional imbalance. While it can be overnutrition, such as being overweight, obese, or morbidly obese, providers more commonly equate malnutrition with undernutrition, which is a continuum of inadequate intake, impaired absorption, altered transport...Read More »
Q: I was told that a multiple choice query should have at least four options. Keeping in mind that there may be only one reasonable option in a multiple choice query, what would be a good fourth option for a query about hyperkalemia if the other options are:
Inpatient coders are familiar with risk-adjusted methodologies—where a combination of diagnoses lead to higher-weighted code groupings--but many outpatient coders may not have encountered them.
That's likely to change as hierarchical condition category (HCCs)
Q:I understand that most CDI departments develop a standardized list of clinical indicators/criteria to support query efforts. Is this something we need to develop or is it available in the encoder process? If we need to develop this, how do we go about that?...Read More »
According to an informal ACDIS poll, 66% of facilities plan to begin dual coding for ICD-10-CM/PCS in the first quarter of 2014. At Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, administrators made the decision...Read More »