Does it sometimes seem like wound and pressure ulcer documentation is a movable feast? I’ve spent a lot of time scrutinizing wound documentation lately in anticipation of the new pressure ulcer codes being implemented October 1st and sometimes I...Read More »
Metrics have long been the lifeblood of staff performance measurement and management. But as the CDI field advances and specialist roles evolve, so too must the criteria leaders use to evaluate success.Read More »
Prioritization software is becoming a mainstay in the CDI technology landscape. Nearly 54% of respondents to the 2019 CDI Industry Overview Survey said that their program uses a chart review prioritization queue. Of those adopters, 81% reported technology-related improvements in...Read More »
Preface to the following: You won’t find a stauncher advocate for ethical behavior in the documentation compliance profession than me. I firmly believe that documentation compliance is all about quality, specificity, and the behaviors and...Read More »
Join us Thursday, December 5, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:10 p.m. ET, for an update on Council happenings and opportunities, a panel on Council-specific findings from the 2019 CDI Salary Survey, and a very special in-meeting debut of our lunch and learn series with member Carol...Read More »
Several of you have asked about the ACDIS Leadership Council's genesis and core purpose. What better place is there to reflect on new beginnings than this first e-issue of CDI Leadership Insider (CLI)? In short, the Council is...Read More »
Hey, you CDS with new programs out there! How’s it going? Are you sailing along on the smooth seas of phenomenal MCC capture rates or are you stalled in the doldrums? Are you asking yourself the following question: “What do I do now that the...Read More »
To the trained eye of a veteran CDI manager or director, an emerging leader can be easy to spot.
“I look for individuals who are dedicated to their personal growth and excellence, who take initiative and are inquisitive. They communicate well with our providers and align with our...Read More »