Note from the ACDIS Editor: Help identify CDI industry trends

CDI Strategies - Volume 11, Issue 29

By Linnea Archibald

As you read last week, the theme for CDI Week 2017 will be “The Wild West: New Frontiers in CDI.” Though the theme offers numerous opportunities for fun CDI Week activities (cowboy hats and boots, anyone?), the theme also speaks volumes about the CDI industry as a whole.

As with any industry that’s been around for a while, things change. With more and more updates, regulations, and payment methodology changes, it seems the CDI field changes more rapidly than others. And ACDIS always seeks to keep its finger on the pulse of those changes.

To aid in this purpose, ACDIS undertakes a CDI industry survey each year to accompany the festivities of CDI Week. The survey analyzes trends in CDI, helping us report on the direction of the profession, new areas of expansion, and any other developments on the frontiers of this field.

This year’s survey consists of 38 questions spanning seven distinct sections, each probing a different area within the CDI profession. Click here to take the 2017 survey. The official report regarding the survey findings will be published during CDI Week, September 18-22, 2017. The report will be available to both ACDIS members and non-members in the spirt of celebration.

Every year, we also compare the year-over-year data to see where CDI has evolved over time. If you’d like to take a look at last year’s report, click here. Even though you don’t need to be an ACDIS member to read the survey, you will have to register to see the free content. If you haven’t done this before, click here. It’s a super simple process and it’ll give you access to all the free, non-member content on the website easily.

I can’t wait to see where we’re going through the industry survey. Last year, for instance, 31.1% of respondents planned to expand to outpatient reviews in the ED. Hopefully, this year’s survey will show a spike in the percentage of people actually reviewing in this area. Either way, I’m excited to dig into the data.

Once again, to take the survey, please click here. We really appreciate your feedback!

Editor’s note: Archibald is the ACDIS editor with responsibilities ranging from social media to crafting articles for its many publications. If you have an article idea or topic you’d like ACDIS to cover in the future, email her at

Found in Categories: 
ACDIS Guidance, CDI Expansion

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