Note from ACDIS: Happy holidays!

CDI Strategies - Volume 14, Issue 57

‘Twas the end of December, ACDIS national was closed

Not a meeting was gathering, no emails composed.

The laptops were shut, tucked away for the year

While the ACDIS team toasted with champagne and beer.

Linnea baked cookies and Carolyn helped stir

Melissa pet her kitties, making them purr.

Carrie and Dawn put the star on the tree,

And Sharme played the music, singing with glee.

Laurie brought wine, but when she started to pour

A bellowing knock came loud at the door.

Everyone paused, with a wait and a stare

Wondering who on earth could be there.

The door swung wide open, and then who came in?

The one and only Brian Murphy, with tonic and gin.

He shrugged off his coat and slid off his shoes,

Put on a red hat and said “I brought the booze!”

They ate and they laughed with the snow falling white,

Saying “happy holidays to all, and to all a good night!”

Editor’s Note: ACDIS is ending the year with a holiday break. The office will be closed until Monday, January 4. We hope you’ll be spending time recharging as we look toward the new year as well. Read our other “‘Twas the Night” parodies from members of the ACDIS community on the ACDIS Blog!