It’s time to respond to our third Council survey: The 2023 CDI Week Industry Survey! To receive credit for the survey, make sure to complete your name and email when prompted to do so by the survey. As a reminder, Council...Read More »
As a reminder, the ACDIS 2024 events speaker application period is open now until July 24. The ACDIS team encourages all Council members to consider throwing an application into the ring! It's a great opportunity to share your experience and your program's success with the broader CDI community...Read More »
Highlights from Coding Clinic, Third and Fourth Quarters 2010, include:
When a primary lung cancer metastasizes into another lobe of the lung, the second lesion should receive an additional code as a metastasis—not as a primary lesion. However, coders cannot
By Vickie Balistreri, BA, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CCDS, CPC, CPC-H
“Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I’ll understand.” I often think about that adage when attempting to educate physicians about CDI efforts. One of the most challenging and yet...Read More »
As a reminder, we have a special discount for Leadership Council members that will grant you $40 off your registration fee for the ACDIS Encore: Clinical & Coding Online virtual event happening August 22-24!
If you have experience with the topics below, please email ACDIS Associate Editorial Director Linnea Archibald at by noon eastern on Friday, July 14, and she'll connect you with the...Read More »