Note from the Editorial Manager: Deadline extended—One more week to apply to speak at ACDIS 2025 events!

CDI Strategies - Volume 18, Issue 30

by Karla Kozak

If you thought time had run out to submit your proposal to speak at one of ACDIS’ 2025 in-person events, it’s your lucky day! We’re extending the application period for one week only!

You now have until end of day next Friday, August 2 to submit your idea for the following events, scheduled to take place next May in sunny Orlando, Florida:

Whether it’s your first time stepping up to the podium or you’re a conference veteran, we want your application! It’s people like you, sharing their experiences and lessons learned, that make the ACDIS conference such an engaging and educational experience.

 Unsure what topics to present on? Here’s a list of topics last year’s attendees requested for 2025:

  • ACDIS National Conference
    • Mortality
    • CDI in nontraditional settings
    • Patient safety indicators and quality
    • Professional development and leadership
    • Denials and appeals
    • Quality topics
    • Regulatory updates
    • Social determinants of health
  • ACDIS Physician Advisor Forum
    • Denials and appeals
    • Resident education
    • Physician advisors in outpatient CDI
    • Hierarchical condition categories (HCC) and risk adjustment
    • Artificial intelligence and data analytics
  • ACDIS Symposium: Outpatient CDI
    • HCCs and risk adjustment
    • Querying
    • Clinical topics or conditions specific to the outpatient setting
    • Key performance indicators and performance metrics
    • Advanced topics (beyond getting a program started/off the ground)

A tip for filling out your application: Tell us as much about your session as you can! This includes a descriptive title, a 3-4 sentence session description, a minimum of three specific learning objectives, plus a draft of your slides or an outline of the topics you’ll cover—while this last part isn’t required, it allows you the greatest opportunity for success, as our Events Committee often relies heavily on supplemental material when comparing sessions on similar topics. For more tips on submitting a strong application, click here. 

If you have any questions about submitting a proposal, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I can’t wait to see what inspiring topics the ACDIS community will come up with!

Click here to submit your application by Friday, August 2!

Editor’s note: Kozak is the editorial manager, products & events, at ACDIS. Contact her at

Found in Categories: 
ACDIS Guidance, CDI Expansion, Education