Of the metropolitan statistical areas in the United States, 79% have Medical Advantage (MA) markets that were highly concentrated in 2021, according to a...Read More »
In Massachusetts acute care hospitals, the average emergency department (ED) attending physician and advanced practice clinician is more afraid of harming patients than about lawsuits, according to a new research...Read More »
Question: When the patient is admitted with a diagnosis of sepsis, and the history describes a urinary tract infection related to a foley catheter, with documentation also indicating pancreatic cancer, anemia, and dehydration, “History describes a urinary tract infection related to a...Read More »
As the field evolves, CDI leaders have some of the best insight available on how programs can expand their footprints in their organizations and continue improving the quality of healthcare. Join ACDIS Associate Editorial Director Linnea Archibald, members of the ACDIS CDI Leadership Council,...Read More »
ACDIS CDI Scholarship recipients always represent the best and brightest in the CDI industry, showcasing the passion and promising future of the CDI profession. Each year ACDIS gives out awards to a new round of professionals, and one of them could be you! The scholarship program is accepting...Read More »
In the final ACDIS quarterly call, which was held November 17, ACDIS Director of Programming Rebecca Hendren facilitated a discussion with Sharme Brodie, RN, CCDS, CCDS-O, CDI education...Read More »
Local chapters wouldn’t be possible without the hardworking leaders who help plan, coordinate, and bring together their local communities. ACDIS appreciates all the time and effort chapter leaders put in, and one of the ways we show our thanks if by offering 50% off your ACDIS membership after a...Read More »