As an inpatient coder or CDI specialist, do you, like me, feel relief that ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting direct to code an uncertain diagnosis documented at discharge as confirmed? You can probably recite the...Read More »
The ACDIS CDI Educator networking group gathered recently for a virtual meeting where they discussed ideas for games to play and bring everyone closer together.
For example, CDI Bingo was a game mentioned. For this game, bingo cards are released to the team on a Monday with relevant...Read More »
Natural language processing (NLP) can be used to sort through EHR data of COVID-19 patients and “map the relationships between complications, comorbidities, and outcomes” in the hospitalized patients, according to a study published by ...Read More »
I’ve heard that the geometric length of stay (GMLOS) is always rounded to the nearest whole number as inpatient claims are paid by day. Based on my understanding of the inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS), I thought that each inpatient stay is paid by a fixed amount, regardless of the...Read More »