Through our credentials, ACDIS strives to offer CDI professionals credibility, recognition, and opportunities for professional development. The CCDS and CCDS-O credentials are powerful letters to put behind your name, as they demonstrate your competence and experience in the profession.
ACDIS local chapters are nearly 30-strong and still growing, but we are always looking to expand the chance for CDI professionals to network, educate, and engage with colleagues in their area. For any interested in starting a local chapter or networking group, or sparking new life into an...Read More »
One of the things I love about the ACDIS community is members’ willingness to share and offer advice to fellow CDI professionals based on their experiences. The CDI industry is one that values sharing over gatekeeping, connection over competition. We see this...Read More »
A new study of 15,738 nurses and 5,312 physicians conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Health Forum suggests that physicians and nurses practicing in United...Read More »
Q: I have a question about provider education and query escalations in a remote world. What is your provider education process? Are your frontline CDI staff facilitating regular provider education or do you have a designated CDI physician educator or team of CDI that facilitate on a...Read More »