Twas the night before...

CDI Blog - Volume 8, Issue 48

Over the years we've collected a number of interesting and fun CDI-related holiday memes which we've posted to the ACDIS Blog. We thought we'd share a few snip-its and links to them here as our featured article to help you celebrate the season.

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
All the patient were being discharged accompanied by their spouse
All the doctors were documenting in their charts with care
In the hopes that no queries would soon be there....

Twas the night before ICD-10, when all through the house
Not a CDS was sleeping, their anxiety wouldn’t douse
The code books were ready, studied with care
In hopes that the documentation would be there...

No one wants to get a lump of coal in their stocking. And no one wants to give the RAC or other auditor a Christmas bonus. Take time this holiday season to make some New Year resolutions and ensure that your facility is compliant and knowledgeable. You will then reap the rewards of a stocking filled with peace of mind.

When I was a little girl, I wanted a turbo-slingshot in the worst kind of way. I told every department Don't just ask for a sling shot, ask for a turbo sling shot. store Santa about my secret wish. When Christmas morning came I was heartbroken when the slingshot was not included in my bounty of dolls, clothes, and games. I now realize that perhaps I had told the wrong person. In my embarrassment over the desire to receive a non traditional gift, I failed to tell my mother about the coveted slingshot. The same is also true of queries. If we ask the wrong person, we will not always get the answer we are seeking. Likewise if we ask the wrong question or an inappropriately worded question, the physician may get confused and ignore the request.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Found in Categories: 
Clinical & Coding

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