Scholarship applications will be reviewed by the ACDIS Furthering Education Committee upon the application period closing, usually in November. All decisions are rendered and applicants notified early the following year.
Upon the application period's closing, the committee coordinator, ACDIS Editor Jess Fluegel, will provide committee members with the completed scholarship applications along with an online evaluation matrix.
Committee members will review scholarship applications using the evaluation matrix provided by the committee coordinator and provide feedback on a number of candidate traits, including but not limited to:
Professional background and time in the CDI field
Existing educational resources and budget
Recommendations from peers
Overall application strength
This process may go through a series of review rounds should any candidates receive equal scores.
During committee meetings, the committee members will professionally discuss the candidates, their strengths and weaknesses, and make recommendations for which candidates move forward in the review process and potentially receive the scholarship awards. Should a committee member’s colleague or friend submit a scholarship application, that committee member shall remove themselves from the conversation regarding that candidate’s eligibility and merits.
Once the scholarship committee has completed their reviews and made selections, the committee coordinator will reach out to the recipients and publicize the chosen winners.