Query: Sepsis

This sample sepsis query was provided by Erica Braun, MS, BSN, RN, CCDS, manager of inpatient coding and CDI at Nebraska Methodist Health System in Omaha.

This sample has been reviewed and approved by the Forms & Tools Library Committee. The committee recommends that, should you choose to use this sample, you adapt it to your particular programmatic needs, EHR system requirements, and organizational diagnostic criteria. Additionally, the committee recommends that those adapting this sample move the clinical definitions to the end of the query, putting the question front and center. CDI professionals should also ensure that all the answer options are clinically relevant for the particular patient. Also, those adapting this sample should delete the irrelevant sepsis criteria based on the criteria set their facility has adopted (for example, if your organization uses sepsis-2 criteria, remove the sepsis-3 criteria from the query before sending).