Submit your questions about a regulatory topic and the ACDIS Regulatory Committee will answer!

Wondering how to interpret the latest PSI 15 guidelines? Looking for clarification on a Coding Clinic or update in the Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting? We want to hear from you!

As part of the ACDIS Regulatory Committee’s goal to provide expertise and guidance for the CDI profession in the sphere of government regulation and public policy, committee members write and post guidance on hot topics regarding the current CMS IPPS final rules, Official Guidelines, and Coding Clinics for the benefit of the CDI community. And just by submitting a regulatory question or topic you’d like a deep dive on, you can contribute!

The committee will discuss submitted topics in their monthly meetings, select a topic to write clarification about on a rolling basis, and take submitted topics into consideration as they develop and promote new or revised ICD-10-CM/PCS codes! To submit a regulatory question or topic you'd like clarification on, fill out this two-question form here.

To access past Regulatory Committee Insight articles and resources, click here. For more information about the ACDIS Regulatory Committee and its members, click here.