Susan Edamala, RN, MSN, CCRN; Karl Kochendorfer, MD, FAAFP

Learn how one CDI program created a successful query process utilizing three key strategies. Review a case study presentation using this method with supporting data demonstrating a sustained change in the query response...

Claire E. O'Brien, BS, MD

This session will look into the mind of the physician, helping attendees understand how doctors think and get on their level when writing queries or talking to them about CDI. It will provide an insider's view that will change the way you think about and...

James S. Kennedy, MD, CCS, CCDS, CDIP

This session will describe the role of Coding Clinic and its impact on documentation and coding integrity. It will review recent Coding Clinic advice affecting CDI practice and CDI's relationship with physicians and coders...

Marietta Morhardt, BSN, RN, CPN, CCM; Sheilah Snyder, MD, FAAP
Using EMR Best Practice Advisories (BPA) as a communication tool between CDI specialists and providers, Children’s Hospital in Omaha has been able to improve both the accuracy of documentation and the problem list....

Diana Ortiz, RN; Kaycie Wood, MSHCM, RHIA, CCS
Coding and CDI collaboration is fundamental to the success of both departments. This session will review a coding and CDI prebill complication review process and discuss how to implement a query escalation process. This session will...

Eugene Christian, MD; Heather Joyner, BS
Examining physician-level data provides powerful insight that can help struggling CDI programs collaborate with coders and physicians. This session will assess changes in the roles and responsibilities of a CDI program as healthcare shifts...

Robin Jones, RN, BSN, CCDS, MHA/Ed; Edwina Kelley, RN, CCDS
This session will focus on how an effective leadership and communication plan, along with standardization of a multihospital CDI program, resulted in success for a top 15 healthcare organization.

Shannon McCall, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CPC, CPC-I, CEMC, CCDS; Laurie Prescott, RN, MSN, CCDS, CDIP
This session will provide a lighthearted but honest examination of the conflicts that may arise between coding professionals and CDI specialists as they review records from two very...

Cheryl Davidson, RN, MSN
This session will examine strategies and tools to assist managers in selecting the most appropriate candidates for the role of CDI specialist. It will also provide strategies for measuring CDI specialists’ performance using objective tools, and describe...

Holly Burich, RN, CCDS; Natalie Esquibel, RN, CCDS; Cynthia Stefl, RN, BSN, CCDS
This session will identify the benefits and pitfalls of contracting for and hiring permanent remote CDI specialists. It will review an onboarding process for remote CDI specialists that ensures CDI...
