Jessica Vaughn, MSN, RN, CCDS, CCDS-O, CRC, and Jason Jobes, BA, MSPA

The outpatient CDI program at Wake Forest Baptist Health in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, leverages data analysis and strategic multidisciplinary partnerships to provide a unique approach for CDI to target...


Kathy Harkness, RN, BSN, CCDS, and Colleen Deighan, RHIA, CCS

James W. Manz, MD, CCDS-O

Session participants will walk through several clinical documentation scenarios for some of the most commonly identified improvement opportunities in the outpatient setting with a founding member of ACDIS’ Certified Clinical Documentation Specialist...

Laurie Benz, CCS, CPC, and Christine Poleon

With the amount of data growing every day, it can be hard to know what to do with it or how to get your priorities organized, but data dumps needn’t throw a wrench in your CDI program’s workflow. This session will provide insight on how...

Brett Senor, MD, CRC, CCDS

New to the world of risk adjustment methodologies? Would you like to understand the history, current state, and future outlook for risk adjustment reimbursement? Whether you are new to risk adjustment or want to prepare for 2020, this session is for you...

Bobbie Starkey, RHIT, CCS-P

In the emergency department (ED), charges come in from various ancillary departments: radiology, labs, respiratory therapy, cardiology, etc. CDI specialists, coders, and quality professionals should understand how the charges work, including drug...

Deanne Wilk, BSN, RN, CCDS, CCS, CMS, and Melissa Maguire, BSN, RN-BC

This session will look at how CDI and coding can work collaboratively in the outpatient realm. Covering both CDI and coding initiatives, it examines what to review and how to engage providers from both aspects...

Rebecca Robbins Willcutt, RN, BSN, CCDS, CCS, CRC, and Mary M. Rogers, CRC, CPC, COC, CCS

Ambulatory CDI is a new frontier, and the process for developing a mature and sustainable program is not well understood. It is critical to define exactly what you want to accomplish and...

Laurie Prescott, RN-MSN, CCDS, CDIP, CRC

Physician engagement is a key component to a successful CDI program. In the high-volume, fast-paced environment of outpatient CDI, we must ensure our education is properly targeted and relevant. This presentation will offer guidance in...
