Rising Stars: Physician Advisors Are Tackling Big Problems in Healthcare
ACDIS survey reveals the strategic advancement and evolving role of the physician advisor
Physician advisors continue to establish themselves as key players within healthcare organizations. As healthcare grows more complex, the physician advisor’s role has become more pronounced, with responsibilities stretching across utilization review (UR), utilization management (UM), denials and appeals, and CDI. Their role, however, is not without challenges, particularly in managing denials, educating physicians, and balancing the demands of physician advisor duties with clinical roles.
In 2023, the Association of Clinical Documentation Integrity Specialists (ACDIS), in collaboration with 3M Health Information Systems, brought together its Physician Advisor mastermind members for four sessions to discuss the evolving roles, focus areas, and success strategies within this field. The sessions offered insights into how physician advisors actively collaborate with CDI, optimize quality measures, and focus on return on investment (ROI)—priorities that are becoming more critical to healthcare leadership.
This report is a summary of the key findings from both the survey and these thought-provoking discussions. Download your free copy now!