This is the third and final case study in the ACDIS Provider Engagement Series, with an in-depth look at a CDI program that has experienced success with a predominately remote model.

We believe this case study has additional relevance given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It contains ideas...

This sample director job description was provided by Deb Jones, RN, BSN. CCDS, director of clinical documentation at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

This sample was re-reviewed and approved by the ACDIS Resource Library Committee in 2023. The committee recommends...

This sample team lead job description was provided by Deb Jones, RN, BSN. CCDS, director of clinical documentation at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

This sample was re-reviewed and approved

SPONSORED - by Optum360

Healthcare will never stop evolving, which will continue to impact all of its supporting disciplines and processes. Clinical documentation improvement (CDI) is one key revenue cycle discipline that must continue to rapidly and effectively adapt and expand to meet industry demands.  

In a...
