Joe Lintz, RN, BSN, BS, CCDS, and Beth Wolf, MD, CPC, CCDS

Ever wonder why surgeons disagree with your interpretation of clinical indicators? In this session, participants reviewed the thoracic, general, and vascular surgical quality initiative program definitions for common...

Karen D. Elmore, RN, BSN, CCDS, & Julie Weiss, RN, CCDS, CCS, CRC

Attendees learned how to add sparkle to your program by providing a second look at the records prior to the record being billed. Learn ways to advance to the next level in record review with the addition of a...

Shirlivia M. Parker, MHA, RHIA, CDIP, Kimberly Huff, BA, CPC-H, CCDS, & Christopher Zepeda, MHA, BS, CPC

Is your CDI team being asked to assist with complex clinical validation denials and you don’t know where to start? This presentation shared how Providence St. Joseph...

James M. Taylor, MD, FAAFP, CRC

Attendees learned strategies for physician buy-in, embedding CDI into the physician culture, and experiences of working CDI into both a large (1,000 physician) group as well as a small (50 physician) group practice.

James S. Kennedy, MD, CCS, CDIP, CCDS

Participants heard how the underlying causes of altered mental status challenge CDI principles requiring subject matter expertise and finesse in advocating ICD-10-CM documentation and coding compliance. Learn fundamentals on clinical and...

Fran Jurcak, MSN, RN, CCDS

Using CDI program dashboard metrics is a great way to communicate outcomes. This session explored how implementing a standardized review process can validate the integrity of the program and assist in the performance review process for staff. Done...

Mary Beth Bumbarger, RHIA, CCS, CHDA, & Timothy N. Brundage, MD, CCDS

Participants learned how to determine if their hospital’s mortality rates are higher than the national averages, how mortality-related data are used for reporting and adjusted for case mix, and how to...

Johanne E. Brautigam, RN, BSN, CCDS, Sydni Johnson, RN, BSN, & LeeAnn Cheung-Conaway, RN, CCDS

During this session, panelists discussed how to get the most from remote programs, working when the lights go out, engaging physicians despite off-site staff, and more. Flexibility...

Debbie Worthington, RHIT, CCS, C-CDIS

As a CDI specialist, do you ever wonder about some of the ins and outs of coding that don’t seem to make sense? Presented by an auditor who has worked with multiple companies providing auditing and educational services, this session discussed...

Judy Moreau, MBA, RN, & Andrea J. McLeod, RHIA

Attendees walked away with examples from the Trinity Health CDI strategy and playbook as well as gained an understanding of how to use tools and technology to support outpatient CDI. Attendees saw how Trinity is measuring...
