South Carolina CDI Metrics

South Carolina Pressure Ulcers

Medical necessity .ppt May 2014 quarterly conference call

Tim Weister, RN, MSN, CCDS, explores how to include medical students in CDI training and presents how
Mayo Clinic CDI team partnered with its medical school to create a CDI training program.

Sam Antonios, MD, FACP, FHM, asks in this presentation "Do you ever wish that doctors would just change their ways and start documenting better? Why do most change efforts fail? How can we succeed in leading change?" In this presentation he outlines the necessary steps and the foundations for...

Timothy Brundage, MD, CCDS, and Sylvia Hoffman, RN, CCDS, C-CDI, CDIP, explain why obtaining physician buy-in to CDI is the most frustrating day-to-day aspect of CDI. The tools shared in this presentation demonstrate how pay for performance, quality metrics, ROM, and SOI scores in conjunction...
