If you are an active user of CDI Talk—now the ACDIS Forum—you’ll know that the older version allowed users to set up notification e-mails with the latest conversations and responses. Well, the new forum has this feature, too, and the steps below will help...Read More »
Q:If a patient is extubated post-operatively but continues to be treated with supplemental oxygen, when is a query for acute respiratory failure appropriate?
A: To determine if this represents acute respiratory failure, the values for...Read More »
Those working in the healthcare field really value their credentials. The letters after a person’s name open many professional doors for an individual. When I worked as a nursing manager, if an applicant held AACN certification that simple...Read More »
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) says the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) should take steps to reduce the number of Medicare appeals and strengthen oversight of the appeals process, according to a report released by the GAO...Read More »
A temporary suspension of initial reviews for Medicare reimbursement of short-term patient stays in hospitals could stretch through the end of July, a CMS spokesperson said Tuesday. Two companies have been contracted to conduct the reviews: Annapolis Junction, MD-based Livanta and Harrisburg, PA...Read More »
Q: Do you have any information about mortality rate, observed/expected, or can you direct me to where I might get additional information to better understand this metric?
A: The mortality index is defined by the number of patient deaths in a hospital...Read More »
It’s 7:30 p.m. and I’m looking out my office window but dreaming of California. On the phone with me are half-a-dozen dedicated CDI specialists, directors, and program managers. They’re putting the final touches on their second annual state-wide event which takes place this Friday, June 17, in...Read More »