ACDIS update: Paper on CDI in a changing healthcare landscape published

CDI Strategies - Volume 13, Issue 29

CDI departments have historically worked to improve documentation integrity, making it more robust and truer to the patient. These programs have had a twofold mission:

  • Improving organizational financial performance where it’s due.
  • Improving organizational quality outcome scores.

CDI work has focused on documentation with a tangible (and relatively immediate) effect. Documentation clarifications must have a specific goal or outcome in mind, as excessive clarifications and queries can contribute to physician burnout and query fatigue.

Healthcare is rapidly changing, however, and the CDI profession will change with it. ACDIS’ newest position paper, “CDI yesterday, today, and tomorrow: Staying relevant in changing times,” provides an overview of the CDI profession past to present. It explains what CDI professionals do and how their efforts are traditionally measured. It then describes how the CDI profession is evolving to meet the changing demands of healthcare delivery.

Click here to download the paper now.

Found in Categories: 
ACDIS Guidance, CDI Expansion

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