All those volunteering to assist ACDIS local chapters and networking groups were invited to attend the summer panel discussion with the Chapter Advisory Committee and association leadership on Thursday, July 18, at 1 p.m. eastern.

During the webinar, the Chapter Advisory...

SPONSORED - by Tendo

Quality and CDI stand as cornerstones for ensuring precision and efficacy in patient care. This webinar will explore the integral connection between quality and CDI, focusing on the collaborative efforts necessary to enhance healthcare outcomes, boost organizational reputation, and improve...

SPONSORED - by Nuance

Pediatric CDI is a complex and evolving field that requires specialized knowledge and skills. As organizations continue to intensify their focus on pediatrics, CDI teams must be creative to overcome the unique challenges in this space. Learn how CDI leaders are working to overcome challenges...

If you’ve never attended a prior conference, the experience is hard to convey in words. Viewers of our special behind the scenes video from the 2024 ACDIS national conference will have the opportunity to discover what thousands of CDI professionals from around the country have experienced for...

SPONSORED - by SmarterDX

CDI as a dedicated department gained traction in hospitals about 15 years ago, when MS-DRGs were first introduced. Since then, the list of DRGs has ballooned, mandatory quality programs were introduced, endless new technologies went live, and to top it all off, there was a global pandemic....

Watch the recording below for an overview of the new (as of March 2024) ACDIS website menu structure!

Watch the recording of our January 25, 2024, free webinar to find out what you can discover at the 2024 ACDIS Conference, to be held April 8–11 in Indianapolis! During this...

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

Years of growth have allowed CDI programs to put down deep roots and establish themselves as an indispensable part of an organization’s overall health. CDI programs are an invaluable piece of a healthy healthcare...

SPONSORED - by Nuance

CDI is a vital process that ensures the accuracy and completeness of health records, which impacts the quality of care, reimbursement, and data analytics. For example, when Baptist Health South Florida implemented an AI-powered CDI solution, they noticed a 13% increase in CMI. However, CDI...

SPONSORED - by Nuance

Outpatient CDI is a different animal from its inpatient acute care counterpart. Leaders and staff in this arena have different workflows, priorities, and challenges to face. Therefore, while some CDI education and networking is universal, it’s crucial for outpatient CDI leaders to network and...
