Chapter Advisory Committee: Summer 2024 panel discussion on virtual engagement, remote meetings

All those volunteering to assist ACDIS local chapters and networking groups were invited to attend the summer panel discussion with the Chapter Advisory Committee and association leadership on Thursday, July 18, at 1 p.m. eastern.

During the webinar, the Chapter Advisory Committee will discuss virtual member engagement and remote meetings and offer concrete advice and tools for leaders looking to build their chapter communities. If you have questions about this topic, please email the ACDIS team at

This panel discussion was led by ACDIS Associate Editorial Director Linnea Archibald and featured the following members of the Chapter Advisory Committee:

  • Danita Arrowood from the CDI educators networking group
  • Amy Bush from the pediatric ACDIS networking group (APDIS)
  • Madhu Subherwal from California 
  • Jenny Taylor from Idaho/Washington