ACDIS update: Podcast highlighting new board member, length of stay reviews available now!

CDI Strategies - Volume 18, Issue 21

We're delighted to share that the new episode of the ACDIS Podcast is now available! Click here to listen now!

This week’s guest is Keisha Downes, MBA-HM, BSN, RN, CCDS, CCS, senior director middle revenue cycle at Tufts Medicine health system in Boston. She is also newly elected to the ACDIS Advisory Board. In this episode, we discuss CDI and length of stay, as well as Keisha's own professional journey!

As a reminder, the ACDIS Podcast continues to offer 0.5 ACDIS CEUs per episode. 

For the first two days after the episode's publishing (till Friday at 11 p.m. eastern), you’ll have the opportunity to claim the 0.5 CEUs by responding to the associated episode survey. After that point, the CEU link will close, but listeners will still be able to access the episode on the website or their podcast app.

To receive your 0.5 CEUs, go to the show page on by clicking the "ACDIS Podcast" link located under the “Free Resources” tab and selecting this week's episode from the list on that landing page (or click this link: To take the evaluation, view the podcast recording at the bottom of the show page on and click the live link at the very end (after the outro music has ended).

Your certificate will be automatically emailed to you upon submitting the brief evaluation.

Note: To ensure your certificate reaches you and does not get trapped in your organization's spam filters, please use a personal email address when completing the CEU evaluation form.

The cut-off for this week’s episode CEU is Friday, May 24, at 11:00 p.m. eastern. After that point, the CEU period will close, and you will not be eligible for the 0.5 CEUs for this week’s episode.

The ACDIS team hopes you enjoy this latest episode!

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ACDIS Guidance, Education