Learning how documentation opportunities can maximize efficiency and overall cost-effectiveness is something to be passionate about. Working as a patient care nurse was extremely rewarding, but as a CDI professional I am now able to affect my...Read More »
This is a classic documentation opportunity to clarify “volume/fluid overload,” says Lynne Spryszak, RN, CPC-A, CCDS, CDI education director for HCPro, Inc., in Danvers, MA. “If the physician hasn’t documented acute CHF, I would hesitate to ask for this condition based on this mild BNP elevation...Read More »
Few managers have the luxury of hiring staff with concurrent record review experience. Thus, once you hire new staff, you need to determine how to train them. Even if the new hire is an experienced nurse who understands core measures, “you can’t just throw him or her a problem list and set them...Read More »
Only 1.5% of the nearly 3,000 nonfederal hospitals in the United States reported the use of a comprehensive electronic medical record (EMR) system, according to a March report published in the New England Journal of Medicine. With so few facilities employing EMRs, why should CDI program managers...Read More »
The value of a new technology is often not understood for many years after its invention. For example, the first film cameras were initially used to capture “photographic paintings” of landscapes, still life studies, and portraits, the standard...Read More »
When I first met with the ACDIS 2011 conference committee in July, I knew right away this was a great group. Why? Because they took their job seriously. A couple of members told me flat out that serving on the committee was intimidating because they enjoyed the other ACDIS conferences so much...Read More »
Approximately 11% of Medicare beneficiaries are now enrolled in private managed care health plans, with the rest in the traditional fee-for-service (FFS) programs. Did you know that Medicare Advantage (MA) payment methodology is driven by...Read More »