It started with two courageous coders who knew the query process where they worked at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Inc., in Baltimore, wasn't quite right--or compliant.
Specifically, the hospital employed a physician who worked in the billing department to review clinical...Read More »
One of the most confusing diagnoses to code and sequence is the acute myocardial infarction (AMI). It is the elephant in the room of circulatory diagnoses—it takes up the most space and can never be ignored. I’m going to try to make some...Read More »
Q: Should queries from different departments be treated and stored differently? Should they be placed in a different location or anything along those lines?
We are currently seeking speakers to present at the 2012 ACDIS fifth Annual Conference, to be held May 10-11, 2012 at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego.
Is that special person you or a colleague?
We seek speakers to present on all aspects of clinical...Read More »
CMS released the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Final Rule, Monday, Aug. 1, reducing a previously proposed negative 3.9% documentation and coding adjustment (DCA) payment offset to just 2%. The 2% DCA is even lower than the 2011 rate of 2.9%.
Much discussion has been held of late regarding the creation of Accountable Care Organizations (ACO). Not to be left out of the discussion process, AHIMA’s Thought Leadership Forum recently released a white paper on the matter entitled, ...Read More »
Healthcare providers in the A/B MAC jurisdiction 1 have a problem—a paid claims error rate that’s nearly twice the national average for Part B claims, according to a recent letter from...Read More »