Eventually, the ACDIS Conference was going to get so big that we couldn’t give every CDI topic justice or the full coverage it deserved. Outpatient CDI was one of those topics. Enter the ACDIS Symposium: Outpatient CDI...Read More »
CMS released the 2018 Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) proposed rule last week on Thursday, July 13. With CDI programs increasingly looking at outpatient records, the need to read and digest the OPPS proposed rule has never been greater. This particular proposed rule, however,...Read More »
The Mayo Clinic Health System recently began a $1.5 billion electronic health record (EHR) rollout which will affect all 70 of the system’s facilities and 51,000 employees across the country, according to...Read More »
Q:How would you determine if the treatment is for the initial myocardial infarction (MI) as a secondary diagnosis versus the treatment for the subsequent MI?
Community is a huge component of ACDIS. Part of what it means to be in community is sharing resources with others—something that’s always been a hallmark of the ACDIS membership experience. This past week, following the July 12 episode of...Read More »
For those of you who’ve visited the CCDS pages on the ACDIS website before, you likely did a lot of reading. To keep the the information on the pages is correct, current, and comprehensive, the ACDIS team recently gave the CCDS pages a facelift.Read More »
Local chapter leaders sometimes struggle with knowing just when their members want to meet. ACDIS encourages chapters and networking groups to meet at least four times per year but the scope and format of those events can change to meet the need to the local membership.Read More »