Conference corner: Use this letter to gain ACDIS 2020 attendance support

Editor’s Note: CDI professionals wishing to earn support from program administrators to attend the ACDIS 2020 national conference may adapt the following proposal. The more personal and tailored your request the better your chances will be to earn support for attendance. Identify areas you know that your team is struggling with and/or 2020 priorities for your CDI department. It's also beneficial to leverage any data relative to these priorities to demonstrate the importance of obtaining additional information. For example, if your program is looking to expand into pediatric you might note the number of sessions addressing pediatric concerns. Similarly, if your program is looking to expand into quality identify the sessions that might pertain to your practice and do a search of the ACDIS website for related articles and data on that concern to provide additional details for your management team.
Dear [manager's name]:
This year's ACDIS 2020 national conference takes place at the Mirage Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, May 5-8. The 13th annual conference focuses on all the ways that clinical documentation integrity (CDI) staff can engage with, and for, our profession. With nearly 2,000 peers, sponsors, speakers, and staff in attendance, I am sure this three-day event will include ample opportunities to network, learn, and grow. And with more than 60 educational sessions across six tracks there's no limit to the amount of information I will be able to bring back to help our program grow.
During our regular CDI team meetings, and in our one-on-one discussions, we've set the following goals:
- [insert goal 1]
- [insert goal 2]
- [insert goal 3]
The ACDIS 2020 conference includes sessions that covers each of these topics. [Review the agenda and include names of sessions which match your program and professional achievement goals.]
It also features innovative lightning rounds, panel discussions, and split sessions designed to provide increased sharing of individual experiences, on-the-ground challenges, and opportunities for growth offering us a unique opportunity to learn from those currently working in a wide variety of CDI focus areas. By attending, we will be able to tap into these collective experiences to identify best practices, as well as the latest trends and techniques to help our team enhance our outpatient CDI professional skills, and bring back recommendations for program enhancements to our facility.
According to ACDIS, one of last year's attendees said that the conference was "incredible... It opened my eyes to many facets of CDI work. The conference offered me a great mix of diagnosis-specific education, compliance, and a view of where CDI is going in the future. I came away with inspiration and a renewed sense of passion for my work.”
Personally, I want to attend the conference to get information or help with:
- <Fill in>
- <Fill in>
- <Fill in>
Here is an estimation of the costs, don't forget the cost of conference includes the cost of some breakfasts and lunches:
- Hotel: The hotel for this event has rooms for $203 per night (hotels fill quickly so we should reserve as soon as possible).
- Registration: $950 (early-bird discount is $850); ACDIS member $805 (early bird $705) if we register before March 27
Airfare/travel will need to be assessed, also. If we send the team, the fifth person registers for free (which we may wish to take advantage of) and we get entered to win Lady Gaga ticket as well as a special tailored web-based educational session from one of ACDIS CDI Boot Camp Instructors. And if we register soon we might be able to get free ACDIS 2020 tee-shirts just for the fun of it!
Thank you!