Director's Note: Volunteers for CDI Week planning committee sought

CDI Strategies - Volume 7, Issue 5

As the CDI profession grows in size and importance, so too does the ACDIS national week of celebration and recognition. Held annually during the third week of September, the mission of CDI Week is to:

  • Recognize the unique skills and expertise of CDI specialists
  • Increase public awareness of the CDI profession
  • Positively affect the personal and organizational performance of CDI specialists
  • Provide broader education on the importance of the quality connection of documentation of care
Every year ACDIS volunteers and administrators develop a unique theme and suggested activities, and create a toolkit with free presentations, webinars, logos, posters, sample activities, and other items. Throughout the week ACDIS members receive a daily Q&A on CDI emerging trends as well as an annual industry benchmarking survey.
The third annual CDI Week takes place on September 16-20, 2013. ACDIS is looking for several volunteers to help lead 2013 planning efforts, including selecting this year’s theme and suggested activities, publicizing the event, and developing/donating educational materials that can be shared with our national audience.
If you are interested in serving on the committee, please email ACDIS Director Brian Murphy by Friday, March 15.  Candidates should briefly state why they are interested in serving, and be available for occasional ½ hour to hour long conference calls via phone.
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