Local chapter update: Keep track of your members and use the online chapter roster!

CDI Strategies - Volume 19, Issue 12

Having a difficult time keeping track of all your local chapter members? Who is active? Who is inactive? Who wants to present in the future? So many questions… If only you had a list!

That’s where ACDIS National comes in!

To maintain a list of active chapter members, local chapter leaders should remind their members to complete the Online Chapter Roster form whenever contact information needs to be updated.

Luckily, the form also includes several questions to help leaders identify potential chapter event speakers and future leaders, including:

  • Are you willing to present at a local chapter meeting? 
  • Are you willing to host chapter meetings at your facility? 
  • Are you interested in serving in an officer/leadership role? 

Additionally, chapter and networking group members who complete the roster form are given access to a special discount code for their ACDIS national membership.  

Here's the link to the roster form for your own use and to send to your chapter members: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/chapter-membership-roster  

As always, feel free to reach out to info@acdis.org with any questions!

The following is a list of upcoming events for ACDIS local chapters! Visit your local chapter’s webpage on the ACDIS site for additional information about upcoming meetings. To join a chapter if you haven’t already or to update your chapter contact information/affiliation, click here.


  • The Northwest ACDIS chapter meets Wednesday, March 26, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., via webinar. The program is titled, “What the Bleep Is Beeping? Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Cardiac Critical Care Review” presented by Mae Phillips, CPC, CRC, and "The Neurologic Approach to Encephalopathy and What to Consider When Sending a Query" presented by Yasmin Aghajan, MD. For information, contact Rachel Madsen (rmadsen@r1rcm.com).
  • The St. Louis, Missouri ACDIS chapter meets Friday, March 28, 4–5 p.m., via webinar. The program is titled, “Talking About Neoplasms” presented by Renee Sorgi, BSN, MBA, CCDS, CCM. For information, contact Dexter D'Costa (dr_dexterdcosta@yahoo.com).


  • The Wisconsin ACDIS chapter meets Friday, April 4, 1–3 p.m., via webinar. For information, contact Shannon Tokarski (wisconsinacdis@gmail.com).
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ACDIS Guidance, CDI Expansion, Education