Note from the ACDIS Editor: Serve your community on an ACDIS committee!

CDI Strategies - Volume 18, Issue 23

by Jess Fluegel

When I first started working at this association, I expected writing and research to take up a lot of my days. (Maybe just a few interviews here and there to break up the quiet!) Imagine my surprise, then, when I found out that the ACDIS community is—well, a community. Often, I find myself spending my days communicating, collaborating, and working on projects side by side with many of you. And as I’ve taken on helping as coordinator for both the ACDIS Furthering Education Committee and Regulatory Committee, I’ve realized just how much of an impact a small group of inspired people can have.

Are there changes you’d like to see or new ideas you have for ACDIS or the CDI community? Through the efforts of our ACDIS committees, this association has continuously improved and grown its resources, guidance, and support to help everyone in the profession succeed. If you want to make a difference and be a part of what makes CDI not just a profession, but a community, now is your chance to apply to join an ACDIS committee!

From now through Sunday, June 30, ACDIS volunteer applications will be open for the following committees:

  • Furthering Education Committee: This committee helps to plan festivities and create educational resources for our annual CDI Week, as well as analyze and comment upon our yearly industry survey results. It also maintains and updates the annual ACDIS CDI Scholarship program. Click here to learn more about the scholarship program and here to learn more about CDI Week!
  • Events Committee: This committee plans ACDIS in-person and virtual events in collaboration with the ACDIS administration to meet the education and networking needs of CDI professionals. ACDIS members can click here to view 2024 conference materials!
  • Regulatory Committee: This committee reviews regulatory policy and coding/clinical updates; provides commentary to agencies on behalf of ACDIS; and also provides summaries, interpretation, and analyses for the ACDIS membership on regulatory topics. Click here to view their latest published insight!
  • Diversity and Inclusion Committee: This committee strives to make CDI a community that embodies social responsibility through promoting a positive environment of greater diversity and inclusion across all cultures, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, ages, and educational backgrounds. It aims to break the silence that often accompanies discrimination and inequity, and ensure that all of our members feel valued, empowered, and welcomed. ACDIS members can click here to view their latest published insight!
  • Physician Advisor Committee: This committee provides collective expertise and written guidance for physician advisors in CDI through individual feedback and group discussion, and determines ACDIS recommendations and publishing guidance. Click here to learn more about ACDIS’ physician advisor offerings!

These groups are made up of ACDIS members from all professional and personal backgrounds, geographic locations, and organization types. For more information on the scope of work and current members of each committee, visit this page.

I can’t begin to tell you how rewarding it is to work with these committees and see the difference CDI professionals can make when everyone puts their heads together! If you’d like to get in on this little community-within-a-community, you can apply for any of these committees by clicking here and filling out the requested information by the end of the day on Sunday, June 30, 2024. I hope to see your application!

Editor’s note: Fluegel is an editor for ACDIS. Contact her at

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