It’s hard to believe that the ACDIS Online: CDI Summer Retreat kicks off in less than two weeks. The ACDIS team has been busily planning the educational sessions, of course, but we also have a number of summertime fun activities...Read More »
While ACDIS only requires chapters hold two meetings per year in order to be considered an “active” chapter, we recommend four meetings per year to keep chapter members engaged and connected throughout the year.
In normal times, ACDIS recommends holding virtual meetings...Read More »
I know that summer doesn’t officially begin for a few more weeks, but June always feels like the unofficial start of summer. It’s when the weather really starts to stay consistently warm in New England, the sun is up later into the evening, restaurants switch over...Read More »
A study from Michigan Medicine found that nearly half of COVID-19 patients left the hospital with significant functional decline post-discharge,...Read More »
The ongoing VA efforts to modernize their electronic health record (EHR) system will likely cost between $1 billion and $2.6 billion more than originally estimated, according to an audit performed by the Veterans Affairs’ (VA)...Read More »
Physician compensation during the COVID-19 pandemic remained largely unchanged, even as just about everything else across the healthcare landscape shifted, HealthLeaders reported.
I believe there was a Coding Clinic several years ago where the diagnosis of “mental incompetence” was changed to “intellectual disability,” but I can’t seem to locate it. What ICD-10 code should be used if a person is documented as “mentally incompetent”?Read More »