Did you struggle to keep up with CMS’ constant updates to COVID-19 guidance over the past year?
HCPro’s PROPELMedicare Watchdog service spent the last year tracking all Medicare guidance changes throughout the pandemic, and now we’ve compiled this information in an easy-to-...Read More »
CDI educators provide an invaluable set of resources to CDI organizations who invest in them and give CDI professionals with a propensity toward education a logical next step in their CDI careers. Some organizations opt to employ a full-time educator for staff training, others to provide...Read More »
As we roll through the first quarter of 2021, it’s becoming apparent that many meetings and events will remain virtual in the near future. This can make it more difficult to hold regular chapter meetings while also figuring out how to work virtual platforms.
March 12, 2020. That was the last day I worked in the ACDIS office without realizing everything was about to change. I think we all thought we’d be going home to work remotely for a couple weeks, things would be under control, and then we’d all go back to the...Read More »
A study of just over 4,500 people found that Black individuals with vitamin D levels below 40 ng/mL were 2.64 times more likely to test positive for COVID-19 than those with vitamin D levels above 40...Read More »
Effective March 15, 2021, CMS has updated the Medicare payment rates for COVID-19 vaccine administration. The new Medicare payment rate for...Read More »